Monday, March 24, 2014

day ___ who knows, really...isn't He risen yet?

I really haven't written because there hasn't been much new to say.

Every day I pack my Kashi blueberry waffle bag with a clean cloth napkin, metal straw and silverware. I usually just use them instead of the ones that the restaurant provides if I eat out. Probably more hygienic anyway.

Jim made me a compost "box" out back that we use daily.
Scout loves it.

The "sin box" continues to get more full and I have realized that plastic is the anti-christ.
And why do people keep trying to put their trash in my "sin box"--they need to get their own sin box or just throw it away. My box is no scape goat for you. That's all I am saying,

stupid "sin box"
I have really struggled with being a Pharisee as people have offered to take my trash for me and to throw it away.  Thanks for offering to take my mint wrapper. They are piling up in the bottom of my purse. But I am going to have to remove them soon and add them to my box.

And my apologies to Mt Pisgah UMC for forgetting to take my "sin" with me this morning, but really, what I need you to do is find some more environmentally friendly coffee cups and plates than those plastic monstrosities that you offer people. (diverting my sin here) I used them because it was a district clergy meeting and really it is amazing people weren't whipping out flasks at that 3 hour thing and I was going to bring it home and add it to my box, but I forgot. I don't know what to do to make that right. I need Jesus to atone for that one.

Also, I should confess that I bought crescent rolls today and string cheese. The only reason why I did it is because Hannah is having surgery tomorrow and that is part of what she asked for to have tomorrow--dinner request for tilapia and crescent rolls. String Cheese for recovery food. Since it is surgery, I decided to get her favorite things. Willingly breaking my Lenten sacrifice. But I am thinking about Jesus and the spirit of the law verses the letter of the law and I think that in this case, it would probably be acceptable.

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