Monday, March 10, 2014

day six...i am putting some weird things in my purse these days

day six

I start today by sharing this video. It is a commercial, but it goes along with my Lenten journey wonderfully. So, enjoy it. It's wonderful and funny.

For breakfast, I usually have a Bay's English muffin, because OMG, if you have ever had one you know why... I like mine crispy, with butter and a little cinnamon sugar.

So delicious.

kashi bag covering my portable utensil pack
But, the plastic wrap that surrounds these delicious tasty breakfast treats is not recyclable which leads me to a dilemma since I have ONE LEFT!  I can buy them and put the wrapping in my "sin box" (or read that as I can buy them and set myself up to fail) or I can find a new breakfast treat.

I decided to eat Kashi Blueberry waffles for breakfast. Of course, as I reached in the freezer to pull them out I noticed that there were only two left which I meant that if I had chose to eat them today or before 4/20 I would have to figure out what to do with the plastic bag that holds the waffles. Luckily, I thought about this yesterday as I panicking at the Costco and bought the box of 48 waffles, so I had a plan. I will recyclable the box and then re-use the plastic bags that holds the waffles. So, the first bag I am using as a protective covering for the napkin/fork/spoon/knife/metal straw combo that I carry with me in case I eat out.

I will also reuse the bags to pack snacks for Carter's lunch in... kind of like a sandwich bag.

Lunch was at Moe's. I knew when we decided to eat there that this particular choice was going to create some addition work for me to make it as least damaging as possible. I like to get nachos which are placed in a basket lined with paper and I like to get the queso on the side because they put too much on there. So, I knew going in that I was going to have to take the paper with me and wash out the container and reuse it. Unfortunately, they gave me enough chips to feed two tables which means that I had to do something with them. Instead of saving them until tonight to compost, I brought them back to the church (folded in the paper and stuffed in my utensil bag) and took them out to feed the birds. Since I don't put the cheese on the chips the paper was pretty clean and the chips were dry. I put them out for the birds and the deer that was here yesterday.

Dinner is going to create a problem. I have to provide dinner for the candidacy mentor group that I co-lead. I don't have a way to cook myself because of time constraints and take out packaging is not good. I am thinking that Whole Foods might be a safe answer. Their containers are compostable or recyclable. I will bring my plates/utensils from home to use and then wash them tonight. Will let you know tomorrow!

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