Tuesday, February 11, 2014

it's okay to unfiend me on facebook...I understand

Apparently, there are 37 verses in the Bible about stumbling blocks.*
I find that impressive.
Maybe, impressive is not the right word there.

We have been tripping and falling over each other for a very long time.
We have been making each other lose sight of the important things for quite a while now.
We have been allowing others to make us feel ill or fail or to give up on ourselves.
Or even give in to ourselves.

I don't really want to write about that, anyway. I want to write about this general malaise that comes over me when I look at facebook lately. It goes back to that, though, I guess. More and more I find myself logging in (just kidding, I never log out) and being annoyed by the melodrama; angered by the political rants; jealous of others for many reasons (like they are vacation, like they are with ONLY adults, like they are drinking wine in a facebook photo and not fearing that someone will get all angry about it and email the DS, like they have girl scout cookies...); and overwhelmed by the desire to yell at people to be real for once.

And no, I don't think that facebook has gotten any more dramatic, fake or embellished. It has always been this way. It's called facebook. It's about appearances on many levels.

I just notice it more when I am not really in a good place in my own life. Like when I get stressed out about things or feel under attack or when I am trapped in house for days because of snow. I LIVE IN THE SOUTH FOR A REASON PEOPLE!!!!

I am not saying to dump facebook. But it's probably helpful at times to step back for periods.
You should step back from anything that takes you farther away from where you should be.
This is why I don't watch Fox News. It angers me.
This is why I hide some friends on facebook--their posts offend me.
This is why I don't eat mayonnaise--it makes me vomit.

Take care of yourself friends.
And if that means that you unfriend me on facebook, it's okay.
Really. I understand.  

Just take care of yourself. Look out for your own well-being.
You can't care and love others until you do it for yourself first.


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